Thursday, August 14, 2008

UiTM (Universiti ini Tolong Melayu)

Opening UiTM's door will "RAISE" academic standards but as expected the statement by the Selangor MB has been attacked from all corners by pro-BN supporters and surprisingly even academics have lent support! Each are pointing fingers at one another calling it a politicaly motivated move.
My question is whats wrong with a little bit of healthy competition to improve the standards of the students and the instituition? Isn't it time to change the public perception of UiTM being the conveyour belt of substandard degrees and flooding the already saturated employment market with ill equipped graduates with little or no grasp of the english language (since i last checked is still the language of business). The powers that be are shooting themselves in the foot by promoting Malaysia as a hub of "Corridoors" to the world while its churning out a fucked up workforce in its own backyard.
Whats even more disturbing is that it is only a suggestion and if its not acceptable then the powers that be should just say no and move on. Theres no need to to attatch any political agenda behind it. Why drag the non-bumi's into this only to use it as fodder to instill hatred. I personally feel if UiTM wants to stay behind in a world of its own so be it, let them keep it to themselves.
The minority voice speaking in favour of progressive ideas are usually shot down and threatened by their peers,lecturers and a management whose sole purpose is to keep it a breeding ground for future UMNO supporters/voters. Making it a very internally repressed university. Sad but true.


Anonymous said...

this issue had been brought up before years ago and now it's being sounded again and the answer is still no.i understand that many people had made it clear that UITM is just for bumiputra's not the question of racism but it's just should know the history,background,Philosophy,Mission,Vision and the objectives of UITM and then one can speak their mind out.

the other thing why just UITM?why not many other local universities?.

is this issue being brought up just in order to create irrational fear and disturbance among malays and non-malays?

Unknown said...

I am currently a student of the Universiti ini Tolong Melayu.. and I agree with your view 100%.

Competition always moved people forward in a healthy way and this should be the way.

solidleong said...

Thank god they are very protective of themselves. Anyway who wants to learn at uitm? Let them have the yesteryears by themselves.Thanks PM for shooting down the proposals.

kairulizwan said...

I am a Universiti Teknologi Mara [UiTM] student. A law student to be exact. But I don't agree with the over reaction of my fellow UiTM students.

Personally, I do think that it is a great SUGGESTION to open up 10% of the quota. Besides integration, it will definitely give UiTM a new way of work and study culture as well as a very good competition among students.

It is just 10% and there is nothing to shout about... Or maybe, is it because [like a friend of mine said] these students [who thought they are heroes championing UiTM] are afraid that if the quota is to be opened, then 10% of top places in exam results will be monopolized by non-Bumiputeras? If that's the reason, then it is good. It will make Bumiputera students study harder to gain good grades.

I was thinking after reading the newspaper, will the reaction be the same if UMNO leaders are the one who made such statement? I don't think so... Even there was not as much fuss as this time when Dr. Mahathir first made such statement in 2003 [as reported in today's Star].

Maybe the real reason the students gathered at the SUK that morning was to skip their class.. Lectures in UiTM start at 8.30 a.m until 10.30 a.m for the first session and 10.30 a.m to 12.30 p.m for the second session.

As the 'Perhimpunan' was held from 7.00 am to 10.30 am, well, maybe the crowd who went there were those who had classes at 8.30 - 10.30... Haha.. Just a wild assumption. It might not be true.. ;p

Anyway, not all students actually disagree with the suggestion by the MB. Some of us really think that we need to mingle. I asked my friends and most of them supported the idea. After all, the students had been pampered and spoon fed for so long and a new culture need to be inculcate so that the students will be ready to face the globalisation world that await them [including me, of course..].

And I can't help but to say, how paranoid the 5000 students who demonstrated and the VC was... I mean, it was just a mere suggestion and they know that the MB can't do anything more than just, well,... talk. So, what's the fuss all about?

But to be honest, not all UiTM students are that racists and second class. I could read law at other institutions with my grades, but as UiTM law faculty is among the most established law faculty in Malaysia, I read law here. Even when people asked me many times why I chose UiTM, when I told them I read law here, they understand me. And that is why, I love the university.

But to my fellow friends, please don't over react... Act wisely... If you can demonstrated for UiTM, where were you when students from other institutions demonstrated in front of the Parliament regarding AUKU?.... -_-

p/s: After all, it was just a MERE SUGGESTION...and there ARE international students in uitm... haih...

Sham said...

yer rite macamla Universiti lain di malaysia ni hebat sangat pasal penuntutnya berbilang bangsa..sama saja.. and for yer info lagi ramai grads Uitm sekarang working abroad daripada grads Uni lain..

lagi satu please tell semua rakyat malaysia supaya belajar bahasa melayu, jangan sampai jadi macam yg ada skarang nak bercakap bahasa kebangsaan pun tergagap-gagap..
then nakjadi malaysian malaysia..kita hapuskan semua sekolah jenis kebangsaan dan hanya benarkan semua murid belajar di satu sekolah sahaja iaitu sekolah kebangsaan (national school).. boleh??