Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Now Their Going To Charge Him

The Election Commission today announced August 16 as nomination day and August 26 as polling day for the Permatang Pauh parliamentary constituency by-election then its followed up with charges for sodomy when he turns up at the Jalan Duta sessions courts tomorrow after police took a civil approach today and served him with a subpoena to appear in court.
Then Anwar Ibrahim calls a press confrence today accusing Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badowi of being personally responsible for bringing up the charge of sodomy against him. He quoted "I hold the prime minister personally responsible for the damage that is about to be done to the nation and to the integrity and dignity of the Malays.

The reality is we MALAYSIAN'S are the ones who are getting Butt Fucked by Abdullah Bodohwi, Najis and Anwar ie. FUCKING POWER CRAZY DICK HEADS!!!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, rite. Now he is accusing other people for his deeds. Mind telling me who caused the riots in the streets? Suspended stock markets? Attacks on media and artists? Interference from foreign countries?

Anonymous said...

Another dirty tricks to gain trust from rakyat. Agree, crazy power heads!!

Anonymous said...

"Memang tak kenang budi. selama ni pak lah ada ke cari pasal dgn anwar, sebelum ni anwar dgn penuh etikanya tak pernah attack personal pak lah... sekrang sudah terdesak ke? siapa yang bebaskan anwar dulu? siapa yang bagi pasport balik elok? siapa yang bagi jaminan kat azizah pasal anwar dulu? banyak lagi sebab.

Pelik, kenapa anwar tak nak salah kan coffee boy beliau, bukan saiful ke yang terlibat semua ni. patut lawan one on one je dalam court dgn saiful, tak yah libatkan org lain. kalau ada berani la."

Anonymous said...

altho i cant wait for the outcome and all this hoo haa is keeping me on my toes, but i am clearly aware of the real deal. And intentions of anwar in this one. It shines right through..

Anonymous said...

true to ur blog name. my personal opinion is we sould truly not give a fark about this political puppet creating a wave and scene for the sake of bein the next PM!