Friday, August 8, 2008


Sheih aka Kickdefella initated the Raising My Flag Upside Down which I will join in together putting the upside down flag on my blog because we are truly a nation in DISTRESS. I have had enough of the 3 Stooges (Bodohwi,Najis & Anwar) and the whole supporting cast of the half past 6 cabinet. SHAMELESS FUCKERS!!

NOTE(1): Hoisting the flag upside down is not disrespectful to the flag or country.*

NOTE(2): I chose the auspicious date of 08.08.08 to post this, God knows we need all the luck we can get.

*Techniques in flag display (source Wikipedia)

Hoist – the act or function of raising a flag, as on a rope.

Lower – the act or function of taking down a flag, as on a rope.

Half Staff or Half Mast – a style of flag display in which the flag is flown at half of the potential height of the available flag pole. Usually this is done by first hoisting the flag to the top, then lowering it to halfway. (Equally valid 'half-masting' is flying the flag at two-thirds of its normal height. This is especially applicable where the full height of the pole is not visible to most observers; for instance, where the pole is mounted on the roof of a building and the lower portion of the pole is not visible from street level.) This usually denotes distress or a show of grief, such as mourning a death. The use of 'mast' suggests naval use but typically the two terms are interchangeable.

DISTRESS – flying the flag upside-down, or tying it into a wheft. [1]

I look forward to better times.


Anonymous said...

i look forward for better times too.

but i dont look forward for hoisting our flag upside down.

there are many other ways to reflect our weariness of the political and economic situation here.i'm sure you guys can think of better way.


Anonymous said...

I agree with 'dont lose hope',
there are better ways to project you dissatisfaction.
Jalur Gemilang doesn't represent Pak Lah or Najib or Anwar or even the government.
It represent Malaysia.
So unless you have something against Malaysia, I suggest you stop insulting your own country.

Anonymous said...

not another upside down flag! this is so ridiculous and you are even quoting wiki for "justification". We are not a liberal country dearest bloggers... The blog community do NOT want to create another namawee incident right? That will be such bad PR for the alternative media.... We can be mad at the govt, but just leave the flag alone! Turn the leaders faces upside down enough la, so distressed meh Malaysia nowadays??

solidleong said...

Hoisting the flag unside down is not a sign of disrespect but rather a sign of distress that the rakyat are suffering. It will also send a very clear signal to the goman that enough is enough.

Anonymous said...

the flag issue should be dropped. This is a sign of distress when malaysians themselves can make use of the jalur gemilang like this. do bloggers want to be compareable to the non-ethical and non-value minded people up there too?

Anonymous said...

stop this immature act.
you have the power to write and tell about your opinion and dissaticfaction. Why do you have to resort to this act to make a stand..

Pewaris Melayu said...

bodoh! tak hormat bendera negara sendiri!
bodoh ! bodoh ! bodoh ! bodoh ! bodoh ! bodoh ! bodoh ! bodoh ! bodoh ! bodoh ! bodoh ! bodoh ! bodoh ! bodoh !
malu saya ada rakyat malaysia macam ni

u're so rude!