Saturday, July 19, 2008

How Now Pak Lah?!!?

You have managed this country to the ground and have the audacity to say that you still have the mandate to govern. Thanks to the speaker of Parliament for not allowing the debate of "NO CONFIDENCE" againts you and not forgetting to mention your impending retirement in 2010 where you will hand over the reins to Najib. By the way is it your right to hand over the seat to your deputy?

Its already been 5years in office and we have not witnessed a single thing that you have done to stimulate the economy except for those comatose corridoors that were suppose to bring investors rushing to our shores. I believe that the reason the price of fuel was raised so sharply was to make up for the impending failure of attracting any investors thus roping us the poor taxpayers to make up for the shortfall of your doomed backdoors. Malaysia was once considered one of the emerging economic tigers of asia but now we are advised to plant vegetable plots in our backyards to tackle rising food cost!!

You who are clueless about running the country and the economy using the press and half baked yes men and women of your cabinet to form shit loads of commitees, commissions and even royal commissions to hoodwink the people into thinking that something is being done to benefit them. Incidentally we don't seem to see you doing much work except delegating your mouth pieces to speak on your behalf. Frankly i believe you won't be able to talk let alone debate your way out of a paper bag thats why some Cheeky guy had to debate Anwar Ibrahim on your behalf on tv recently. What were you so busy doing that you couldn't spend an hour on tv to put your points forward ie. let the people hear it from the horses mouth.

Your govenor of bank negara, deputy finance minister, domestic consumer and trade minister are all idiots in my opinion when they all parrot that the fuel hike should not affect the consumers and that the inflationary rate should not breach 5%. What the fuck!!! I'm already paying 40% more for fuel and my suppliers and transporters are raising the cost of their products and services between 20% to 150% so how the hell do you come back with only a 5% inflation in the country.

I believe i'm not alone when i ask when the FUCK are you going to realise that YOU FUCKed up on March 8 general elections, YOU are FUCKing up the economy, YOU are selfishhly FUCKing up the future of this country with YOUR FUCKing incompetence?


Anonymous said...


I hear you and I cannot agree more. Is there anybody in m'sia can do us a favor by making this idiot quit?

Anonymous said...

the majority with which the BN coalition formed govornment post March 8th is not a razor thin 2 seats majority, 58 seats, though isn't 2/3, is by any standard comfortable. If all along the complain is the gross interference of the Executive in the Judiciary, how is the Royal Commission into the Linggam video bad? the attach he has come under his predecessor is precisely for that reason, he is now opening up the uglyness of our government for all to see, whereas previously it was all made silent.

Anonymous said...

Agree with frodo that under AAB - for better or for worse - the ugliness of the administration past & present has been "allowed" to be revealed. Remember that under the previous PM, all objections were not allowed to be seen or heard - Ops Lallang is a stark reminder, while modifications to our constitution were bulldozed through.

But I think that AAB is going to be remembered for his lack of direction and also for creating the highest inflation rate ever experienced in Malaysia. It won't be in the thousands of % as in some South American countries in times past but enough people will blame him for not creating enough growth in the economy to keep pace with global dictates.

Unfortunately, he "inherited" a bloated civil service, weak educational system and could not disenfranchise the patronage system in his own party which was well entrenched by his predecessor.

Malaysia needs a fresh direction and spirit. More of the same just won't work.