Monday, October 6, 2008

More Flip Flop

The Prime Minister of Malaysia says he will announce his decision to defend UMNO president's post tomorrow OR by Wednesday (the fucker can't even decide on the day!!)

Former PM Tun Mahathir however had this to say that he did not believe Abdullah would leave. 'He likes to change his position. As long as he does not make the announcement, I will not believe it,' he was quoted as saying by the Malaysian Insider website.

He has had five years in office to eradicate poverty, bring judical and legal reforms, open more verandahs and backdoors, propogate islam Hadhari and do all these but everyone knows nothing has been accomplished by him. He has even postponed the UMNO elections to next year. Now he says he will do all these in three months. So what the fuck has he been doing all this time??

Anyway if he does step down Abdullah would go down in history as the lamest PM and there after when Najib takes over it will spell the the end of BN. Bets anyone?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what is to Dr.M if Pak Lah will be leaving or not.that's Pak Lah decision and not his.

this is a tough decision for Pak Lah.whatever decision to be made,he must be responsible for it.