So the elections are coming, Malaysians are given their constituitional chance to decide who and whom they want to represent them. Frankly i'm not expecting much to change except maybe the opposition making minimal gains with a few extra seats.
Lets face it i'm not holding my breath for the opposition to deny BN a two thirds majority. None of the opposition parties are even contesting in enough seats to win two thirds of parliament. So thats that.
The oppositions so called Barisan Rakyat is so varied on their opinons that even if they do deny BN two thirds majority i really can't see how they can form the goverment. All this talk about Anwar Ibrahim factor is nothing but hot air. I've been hearing so much about him having boxes of documents and proof that can topple the goverment, well i guess its just more hot air. DAP's Lim Guan Eng already concedes defeat so why bother?
For all the manifesto's being thrown about keeping the cost of living low etc etc, GET FUCKED!! PRICES WILL STILL RISE!! irregardless who wins, like it or not oil and gas is heavilly subsidised and will have to be reduced = The reality is prices of goods and services will rise, so lets stop fooling ourselves and shame on you politicans for misleading the people into somehow thinking that it won't.
So how does a goverment that has really fucked up the stay in power?? Well notice how nothing much has happened this last 4 years and goverment telling the public to cut back on their expenses and lifestyle then WHAM! in the 11th hour they seem to be handing out loads of cash and dividends from the Felda schemes up to Amanah Sahams, Superduper Corridoor Projects. Education Minister given carte blance with hundreds of millions of ringgit to give away. Our so called leaders are now circling the country handing out goodies,Tell me if thats not called money politics and come election day they will achieve the two thirds majority that will allow them to fuck us all up for another five years.
The PM lies, practices nepotism, cronyism ,SIL promotes Mat Rempits, DPM's associate allegedly involved in the murder of a beautiful foreigner, Education Minister waves his kris, Health Minister is filmed having extramarital sex, Tourism Minister and a politically connected lawyer is accused of brokering top judicial appointments. The list of wrong doings by the very people elected by the people goes on and on and I think its only the tip of the icebe. But sadly Malaysians suffer from "Having very short memories " so that allows the very people elected by the people to continue spinning and sweeping it under the carpet until the next scandal comes along.
I don't support any political parties, i will support the candidate that say and do the right things regardless of which party they come from. And i can say for a fact that i hope to see some people lose as i feel they have no business being in politics.